Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Compass, A Knife, And Bears, Oh My! (Journal #2, His Dark Materials)

I will, once again, say that I binge read. Really, it's more that, once I pick up a book, I just tend to keep reading until I finish, I have to do something that requires me to not be reading, or I literally can't keep reading the book because it suddenly became horrible. The Dark Materials trilogy was a decent trilogy. It had its issues, and had a, to me, deeply unsatisfying ending, but I'd certainly recommend it.
The trilogy, composed of Northern Lights (The Golden Compass in North America), The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass is an interesting series, a deconstruction of sorts. I've seen and heard it called an anti-Narnia, and after reading the books, that label certainly fits. The armored bears are heavily flawed, with vices ranging from extreme vanity to alcoholism, a contrast to the Christ-allegory Aslan. The witches of the Dark Materials are many, as opposed to a single witch in Narnia, and their actions are typically in favor of the greater good, seeking to protect the one person that's defined by their prophesy. The actions of the main characters from both series are, questionably, opposites as well, but that doesn't really compare as the end results are completely different, and have different purposes.

Would I recommend it? Yes. If you're someone who doesn't mind the story taking time to set up before it hops to the action, then absolutely give it a read. It can be a bit slow at times, but the action's usually close behind, and spaced decently well as to not bore you for too long once the main story kicks in. Just be wary of getting too attached to characters.

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