The second companion gained was an unexpected one. But after repeatedly losing to the poison frogs in the marsh I decided to catch one out of spite. I didn't plan to keep him long, and so I didn't name him for quiet a while. However I did keep him and he punch many things for me. Which is a good quality for a friend to have I think.
Having covered the reptile and amphibian needs of my journey I branched out with my third member. And when I say branched out I really meant it. I left the animal kingdom completely behind and nabbed a floating eyeball magnet thing. It is now a U.F.O. magnet thing, and was surprisingly frail for being made of steel. I never named it either, but considering it was three living things briefly I'm not sure what name would have worked.
I was actually clever in naming mon number 4. See it was originally a one headed blind dragon of the Deino species, out outrageous amount of time later it becomes a two headed Zweilous, and finally it opens it's eyes as the now three headed Hydreigon. Ein, Zwei, Drei. One, Two, Three you see. I named mine Vear, which is pronounced like fear, and is german for four. I did this because if you give me a dark dragon literally listed as the brutal pokemon I will turn it into a linguistic joke and baby the poor thing for the entire game despite the fact that he carried my team.
My next choice was simple, I saw a vulpix, realized I've never used a vulpix, so I caught a vulpix. I asked my roommate what was japanese for fox, having been impressed with my german exploits earlier, and named the little fire fox that. From then on she burned any thing that needed burning, and just generally looked fabulous
My final member came to me very late in the game. I had played through maybe two fourths of the game and noticed that I had seen very few ghosts. I fixed that by carrying a ghost with me at all times. Not much more to say on that really.
It might have been spending most so much time with these guys, or the things I accomplished with them, or maybe just the exhaustion from the rest of the binge, but they hold a special place in my heart. That and having a giant turtle with grass and a tree growing out of it's shell would be an amazing pet. Portable nap spot for now and for ever.
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