Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Its not Just a Game at this Point

for two days straight, my group gathered at Grahams house and played lego lord of the rings. Some of us were on laptops, some on a DS, phones and an Xbox. Graham has this little black cat named Binxs and he was SO CUTE!!!
But what I found out was its a lot more fun to play a video with other people. We can help each other and things tend to go a little faster. Its also fun to just whine about the game together and be like “HOW DO I GET PAST THIS PART” and have someone who knows the answer. Its nice, I liked it. solo playing, however, gets really dull, REALLY fast, especially when your game keeps glitching all the time and you have to restart entire levels. I don’t game much and this binge helped me remember why. I get frustrated and bored very quickly and this is a game that is really repetitive. It was also made with children in mind, so its really not very challenging, not near challenging enough to hold my interests for more than a few hours after the first initial binge. The first time I played it, I got to 4-5 hours easy, because it was new and I was figuring it out, but after I got it down, there was  no challenge to it and I got bored and now binging it is more of a chore than reading or tv watching was.  Its just boring.

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