Sunday, January 18, 2015

Passive versus Active Brain Activity

       I wouldn’t consider myself a habitual reader, especially when it comes to book series. Sure, I’ll enjoy a good book just like anyone else, but I tend to read when I am traveling on public transportation or waiting for an appointment as opposed to sitting down and spending the majority of my day reading one book. But after this binge experience, that might change.
       Binge reading was a blast. I really did enjoy reading The Magicians, by Lev Grossman. I even didn’t mind sitting for hours with only small breaks to read a book outside of the genre I usually read. While I did enjoy both TV series I binged on last week, I must say that binge reading is easier for me. 
       How is it possible that I was able to concentrate more on the book than the TV series? Me, who tends to choose a TV show over a book just about any day. It’s possible because of the different brain activity each type of bingeing requires. Never having really thought about this before, sitting down and watching a TV series is a relatively easy activity for the brain. Yes, there are occasionally intense or suspenseful moments that might get one’s emotions riled up, but the characters, music, and camera views tell the viewers most everything they need to know. Most online streaming sights don’t even require you to press anything to watch the next episode. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the show.
       For reading, it’s a whole different ballgame. One’s brain is required to imagine all the characters and the setting as well as determine the tone of the story. Even with an electronic reading device, the reader is more involved since he or she has to turn or click to the next page. Similar to a TV show, an author of a book is sharing their story with their audience. The main difference, however, is that the author leaves the reader with more room for interpretation.
       Therefore, now that I have completed both binges, I can honestly say it was more difficult to sit and watch a TV show than to sit and read a book for extended periods of time. Due to the ability to think actively with a book as opposed to thinking passively with a TV show, I was able to get more invested and involved with the world in The Magicians.

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