Reading on an e-reader was something that I have become very familiar with. I currently have about fourteen on my Nook, and I am currently reading Game of Thrones on there as well. This is where my love for the electronic book era ends. Now having experienced bingeing on my own and with a group with the book The Magicians, by Lev Grossman for twenty hours, I feel like I did not get as much of a full experience as some of the people in my group that were reading from the book. A major reason I feel this way is because when you read on a hardback or paperback book you feel like you have accomplished something by the end of your binge day. The Nook, however, lacked the ability to fulfill that need for me, leaving me feeling empty. The e-reader does come with its advantages. For example when you highlight a word you can look it up, but being the English major that I am, I like to underline things and write in the margins when I have to sit and concentrate on one thing for so long. Although I loved the book that I read I think I would have enjoyed bingeing on an actual book rather than my Nook.
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