Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lindsey vs. The Magician

My week binging was yet successful again. I've gotten through another week of intense Binging. This week my group and I read the Magicians - Liv Grossman. I've always had a difficulty reading at fast paces, so it was quite a challenge trying to keep up with my group. I figured, I really can't read this fast but the book is also great, how can I read and keep up with the group and enjoy great conversations. Yeah... I downloaded the audiobook. However while I was listening to the audiobook, I was also following along which made my experience reading a lot better.

During this week, it took me a while to immerse myself in the reading, however once I got comfortable and started enjoying the fictional world I was spending most of my time in, the story was great. I've realized over these few weeks of binging, it takes me a while to get a feel for the book before I really enjoy it. I reckon maybe their has to be an encounter that I enjoy but still don't know what sparks my interest.

The book defiantly took me by surprise and I'm overly eager to start reading the two other books of the trilogy. My group decided to read in the library. which also impacted the way I felt during that time. Being able to read in a place thats quiet and very homelike made it easy which limited my distractions and my eagerness to do everything but sit down and read. Overall, this experience was great and I'm glad I continuously enjoy each of my binges week  by week.

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